jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009


Comprehension Questions.

Drinking Mate in an Argentine commune.

  1. Where does she live?

  2. Where did she learn about medicinal herbs?

  3. Who has a small museum of herbology?
  4. What are the ingredients of a mate?
  5. In which place she learned drink yerba mate?.

I'd like to visit Argentina rather than Australia because first I'm really scared to get on a plane and travel to Australia for many hours of flight and to go to Argentina is much closer and so I would take much less time coming.Another thing why I like to travel to Argentina more than Australia's because Argentina also has many beautiful places street "Caminito", stages of the most famous soccer teams of Argentina, as are those of Boca Juniors and River Plate, but also that people have something super characteristic Argentina taking YERBA MATE.

2 comentarios:

  1. 1.- She Lives in Aguas Claras.

    2.- In the Rainforest.

    3.- Carlos an his Wife Ingrid.

    4.-Fills the mate hollow gourd about two-thirds full with mate yerba mate the dried herb and digs the bombilla a hollow silver straw with a strainer on one end to filter out bits of the leaf down deep into the herb. Then he pours in hot water, slowly.


    Ayleen Hernandez

  2. Well done. Great comparison of the two places.
