In my opinion crime in our country and is fairly common, because every day in the news we hear of robberies to assaults on houses shops, kidnapping, drug trafficking and the laws are getting worse for prisoners who take but within days they are released for lack of evidence, we're really bad, and the most disturbing of all is that they are children of 11 and 15 years who rob, assault, so children are not afraid of anything because they know that the taken prisoner and then released because they are minors.
so I think it is very important for people especially the youth take the initiative to be good people, trying to be professionals to motivate their peers to start recreational sport where youth can express themselves and thus reduce crime in our country also a very important role as parents met and these are the example for their children so if you live in an environment of social danger, do not imitate the bad habits that you can be a young professional.
and most importantly is that if you let yourself go with the environment in which you live you will be a criminal and I think your as young do not deserve this life, take advantage and enjoy your youth.